Data protection information for applicants

Assecor GmbH/Storkower Str. 207/10369 Berlin
+49 30 233 200 200
+49 30 700 143 1412

We are pleased that you are interested in us and that you are applying or have applied for a position in our company. We would like to provide you with information below on the processing of your personal data in connection with your application.

1. Who is responsible for data processing?
The person responsible in terms of data protection law is

Assecor GmbH
Storkower Strasse 207
10369 Berlin

You can find further information about our company, details of authorized representatives and other contact options in our legal notice on our website:

2. Which of your data do we process? And for what purposes?
We process the data you have sent us in connection with your application in order to assess your suitability for the position (or other open positions in our companies, if applicable) and to carry out the application process.

3. What is the legal basis for this?
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in this application procedure is primarily Section 26 BDSG in the version applicable as of 25.05.2018. According to this, the processing of data required in connection with the decision on the establishment of an employment relationship is permissible. Should the data be required for legal prosecution after the conclusion of the application process, if applicable, data processing may be carried out on the basis of the requirements of Art. 6 DSGVO, in particular to safeguard legitimate interests pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR. Our interest then consists in the assertion or defense of claims.

4. How long is the data stored?
ata of applicants will be deleted after 6 months in case of rejection. In the event that you have agreed to further storage of your personal data, we will transfer your data to our applicant pool. There, the data will be deleted after two years. If you have been awarded a position during the application process, the data from the applicant data system will be transferred to our HR information system.

5. To which recipients is the data passed on?
We use a specialized software provider for the application process. This provider acts as a service provider for us and may also receive knowledge of your personal data in connection with the maintenance and care of the systems. We have concluded a so-called order processing agreement with this provider, which ensures that the data processing is carried out in a permissible manner.  Your applicant data will be viewed by the HR department after receipt of your application. Suitable applications are then forwarded internally to the department managers for the respective open position. The further procedure is then coordinated. In principle, only those persons in the company have access to your data who require it for the proper conduct of our application process.

6. Where is the data processed?
The data is processed exclusively in data centers in the Federal Republic of Germany.

7. Your rights as a "data subject”
You have the right to request information about the personal data we process about you.  In the case of a request for information that is not made in writing, we ask for your understanding that we may then require evidence from you that proves that you are the person you claim to be.  Furthermore, you have a right to rectification or deletion or to restriction of processing, insofar as you are entitled to this by law. Furthermore, you have a right to object to processing within the scope of the law. The same applies to a right to data portability.

8. Our data protection officer
We have appointed a data protection officer in our company. You can reach her under the following contact options:

Assecor GmbH
Alexander Paetzelt - Datenschutzbeauftragter
Storkower Straße 207

9. Right of complaint
You have the right to complain about the processing of personal data by us to a data protection supervisory authority.

Assecor Contact - IT service provider from Berlin
Assecor Contact - IT service provider from Berlin
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